Supporter Packs: Take advantage of special bundles grouping multiple offerings together for a group discount!
1x 3 Months
1x White Party Hat
1x White Party Hat
1x Free Glitched Chest,1x Free Treasure Chest,1x White Party Hat
White Party Hat
For playing your part in the MineScape beta, claim your free White Party Hat! This is limited to 1 per person, and you may also use this to donate x amount to the server
Thanks for helping us test the server <3 Dablakbandit
Patron Founder Pack
Thank you for purchasing the Patron Founder Pack, this is only available during the Beta release
For purchasing this pack you will receive:
x12 Treasure Chests 3 Months membership Patron rank on the server Exclusive purple party hat Discord Founder rank
Legendary Founder Pack
Thank you for purchasing the Legendary Founder Pack, this is only available during the Beta release
For purchasing this pack you will receive:
x24 Treasure Chests 6 Months membership Founder rank on the server Exclusive purple party hat Jester hat Discord Founder rank
Legendary Founder Pack - Upgrade
Patron to Legendary Upgrade Thank you for purchasing the Legendary Founder Pack, this is only available during the Beta release
For purchasing this pack you will receive:
Legendary rank on the server
x12 Treasure Chests 3 Months membership Jester hat