Name: Free Treasure Chest
Claim 1 Free Treasure Chest(s).
Legendary / Rare / Normal
Contains one of the following:
- Jester hat
- Red/Yellow/Blue Party Hat
- Gnome Hat
- Rainbow Afro
- Tan/Dark/Black Cavalier
- Frog Mask
- Robin Hood Hat
- Cow Hat
- Bobble Hat
- Lederhosen Hat
- Black / Red / White / Blue Beret
- Black / Red / White / Blue / Green Top Hat
- Black / Red / White / Blue / Green / Orange / Pink / Purple Boater
- Black / Red / Blue / Green / Brown / Purple / Pink / Yellow Afro
- Unicorn, Black Unicorn, Baby Dragon, Abyssal Demon
- Minotaur, White Wolf, Ice Feind, Giant Mosquito, Skeleton, Zombie, Scorpion
- Chicken, Cat, Rat, Spider, Cow, Goblin, Imp, Rabbit, Giant Rat, Snake, Dwarf
- Font of Life, Stele
- Small gravestone, Ornate Gravestone,
- Bigwig, King, Queen, Archon, Emperor, Empress, Wunderkind, Witch King, Witch Queen, The Awesome, Master, Elder God, Dragonslayer,
- Lord, Lady, Sir, Dame, Cheerful, Grumpy, Duderino, Dudette, Lionheart, Junior, The Outrageous, Athlete, The Mysterious, The Adorable,
- Esquire, Ms, Mister, Miss, Mr, Mrs, The Untouchable, Doctor, Crusader, Hellraiser, The, Baron, Baroness, Desperado, Count, Countess,
- Overlord, Prince, Princess, Bandito, Duke, Duchess, Justicar
- the Magnificent, the Undefeated, the Strange, the Divine, the Fallen, the Warrior, the Merchant, of Zaros, of Armadyl, of Bandos,
- of Zamorak, of Saradomin, the Destroyer, the Conqueror, the Annihilator,
- the Mad, the Maniac, the Blighted, the Wretched, the Infested, the Tainted, the Disgraced, the Defiled, the Doomed, the Hero,
- the Ugly, the Poor,
- the Thrifty, the Tanned, the Stylish, the Intimidating, the Wild, the Hot, the Suave, the Elegant, the Skillful, the Handsome, the Beautiful
Chests are subject to change, players will be notified on the server discord at most 7 days in advance of any changes.